Hey friend!

As we begin the transition from summer to fall, you may find that your routines are shifting again. Going from those long summer days to earlier bedtimes and from planning beach trips to packing lunches, it can be harder to stick to those regular daily habits. 

I want to help you make sure that your health is not something that falls by the wayside! We want to stay ahead of the game this fall and be proactive about using your oils and supplements daily to keep you and your family healthy.

Here are some tips for using your oils and oil-infused products every day … 

  • Have your oils and supplements OUT and visible. If they are stored deep in a cluttered drawer they will be out of sight, out of mind. Keep them on a stand, a shelf, on a counter, wherever you will SEE them and use them.
  • Label and/or organize your oils. Group them in similar colors or organize them alphabetically. You could even set them apart based on certain needs you have. 
  • Make rollers. Rollers provide a quick, convenient way to dilute your oils and have them ready for application whenever you or your family has a need. 
  • Pair your oils with other daily activities you’re already accustomed to. Set a roller by your toothbrush so you apply it every morning. Have a bottle of oil and a carafe of water sitting next to your diffuser on your bedside table so you don’t forget to diffuse at bedtime. Set rollers or sprays near the backdoor where you store your shoes or purse and use them on your way out.

Save or print this graphic to keep on hand if you need the reminder. 🙂


Whether you are a brand new or seasoned oiler, this class will give you some insight into exactly how you can incorporate oils and oil-infused supplements into just about every aspect of your day. CLICK HERE to check out ‘A Daily Routine for Living Clean’. 




Upcoming Events and Classes 


Check out ALL the amazing classes going on this month on The Spunky Oils Event Calendar! Click HERE to see all of this month's classes and events and even add them to your own calendar so you don't miss a thing!
Also, make sure you check out The Spunky Oils Facebook group for lots of info and fun stuff throughout the month.


Monthly Gifts with Purchase

Step into fall with some of our favorite health essentials for free!!! These favorites are great as we head back into school routines, cooler months and all.the.germs. Welcome the changing leaves, crisp mornings, and sweater weather with these fall wellness essentials!

CLICK HERE to check out this month's gifts with purchase!


September wellness box ideas feature the perfect products for everyday use! 

Have you started your Loyalty Rewards orders yet? It's the best deal! Get free points to cash in for free products when you order 50PV or more monthly. It’s super easy to get started!

Find the items you want, and click “Add to Loyalty Order.” Add at least 50 PV to your box and you’ll earn points to spend on future one-time orders! Add at least 100 PV to your box and you’ll start earning extra points or freebies.

You can then hop on and pick new items for the next month and save items for later. It’s simple and completely customizable. Learn more about Loyalty Rewards HERE.  


It’s only natural as you start using your products daily while you are out and about, people will begin to get curious. Did you know that you can get paid for sharing about the products you love?

If you haven’t already upgraded to Brand Partner, it’s a $1 investment that can yield great rewards. Let’s chat! (Yes, you read that right, ONE DOLLAR!)


Every month you have a chance to win something fun from my stash of YL goodies when you share your Loyalty Rewards (LR) order!

You can win big when you share your LR (Loyalty Rewards) order here!

  • Post a picture of your September 2023 Loyalty Rewards (LR) order in the comments of THIS post and tell us what you are most excited to use and be entered to win an oily prize from my stash!
  • Those that show an actual image of their order AFTER their products arrive will get an EXTRA entry!
You can comment with your order up until the very last day of the month. The September 2023 winner will be announced in the October 2023 Newsletter!

August 2023’s LR winner is…. Susan Smith! Congrats! I will get your gift to you soon!


Talk Soon!
❤️ Katie